Thursday, September 16, 2010


We specialize in all types of Website Designing and take up projects of all sizes. Our website designs range from basic static websites, animated websites and dynamic websites. Static websites are websites that have a simple page flow with static text and visual content. Animated websites includes flash objects to improve visual appeal and 2d and 3d animation. Dynamic websites includes programming that facilitates real-time features such as online transactions, shopping cart, flash programming etc.

We also specialize in :

  • Tableless Web Design
  • Banner design
  • Flash headers and intros
  • Usability

Table less web design (or table less web layout) is a method of web design and development without using HTML tables for page layout control purposes. Instead of HTML tables, style sheet languages such as CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are used to arrange elements and text on a web page. Table less formats make it easier for search engines to index a web site. So at PERCEPTION SYSTEM we provide table less web design services which is better way of search engine optimization too.

We provide Hand coding pixel-precise PSD conversion to W3C Valid CSS / HTML. with Usability, accessibility and page weight optimization and also Cross Browser Platform Compatibility


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